How to Get Your Child Excited for School

Back-To-School Essentials Reading How to Get Your Child Excited for School 3 minutes Next School Holiday Plan Ideas

The school opening season is usually the most exciting time of the year for parents. After all, your child has fresh prospects and potential in a new school year. However, while you might be excited about the new chapter, your children might not be.

Many kids find going back to school to be a letdown after spending the holiday playing and having fun with family and friends. Read on for some useful advice that we suggest for you to help encourage your kids to be thrilled about the new school year and help them to get back into their routine. According to studies, “parents who generate excitement among their kids about returning to school generally find that the transition is relatively simple, and their kids are prepared and able to enjoy their return to school.”

Here are 4 tips to Get Your Child Excited About Back-To-School:

  1. Do Back‑To‑School Shopping Together

It is a good idea to buy them new school supplies in order to get your children enthusiastic about returning to school if your children are still using the same lunchbox, backpack, and water bottles from the previous school years. Bring your children for back-to-school shopping at SWAN with you and let them be a part of the fun. If you are short on time, you can always shop online with your children. Check out our products on for a variety of back-to-school gears and supplies.

  1. Plan Play Dates Before School Starts

Kids are always thrilled to see their friends, so getting them excited about returning to school by making them excited to meet their friends at school is one way to do it. Plan play dates with your children’s friends a week or so before school starts to help them rekindle their friendships. Children who have school friends will eagerly anticipate returning to class.

  1. Make A Special Breakfast

Preparing a special breakfast every morning for your children to get them excited to wake up for school is a great idea. A fun thing you can try is making alphabet breakfasts. Plan a fun alphabet breakfast for every day of the week during the first week of school. Allow your children to make suggestions and even participate in the preparation of the breakfast. It will be so much more entertaining to say, “Today is a letter “E” day for eggs on toast!” when your children hear the first thing when they wake up on a school morning.

  1. Plan Back-To-School Lunches

Plan your children’s lunches for the first week of school with their assistance. Cook a quick and easy lunch and let your children pack their own lunches in their lunch bags. Parents can get their children a lunch bag from SWAN which has a big compartment that allows children to put all their food and snacks in it.